Delivery fee
You may log in to your loyalty account to check your balance or redeem the product at any time if your earned points are sufficient.
- Make a purchase - 1 point per $1 spent. The points do not expire and will accumulate each time you make an order.
For example:
- Order #1: If your order is $155, you will have 155 earned loyalty points after we fulfil your order.
- Order #2: If your order is $800, you will have 800 earned loyalty points after we fulfil your order.
You will have a total of 155 + 800 = 955 earned loyalty points from above Order #1 and Order #2.
Number of points required for redemption:
BR Product | Price | No of points to redeem |
If a BR product costs: |
850 |
1250 |
$ 160 | 1600 |
$ 175 | 1750 |
$ 295 | 2950 |
$ 335 | 3350 |
If the Biologique Recherche (BR) product you wish to redeem is not on the loyalty programme list, please kindly contact us at or WhatsApp us at +65 8660 8352 and we will assist accordingly (advice) on stock availability and loyalty points required.
Note: All redemption products are to be delivered together with actual purchase order only. We do not deliver redemption product alone. Redemption only applies to Biologique Recherche Products.